Another workshop on internationalization and project writing has been organized under the framework of the QUADIC project in September. The IBC-M team participated in a 2-days training that was hosted by The University of Medicine in Tirana. As a part of the training, novelties, and opportunities of the new European framework aimed at strengthening international cooperation in HE, have been presented. How to translate the European strategy to the local level and how to develop structural partnerships and networks, were just some of the matters discussed during this workshop while the main focus was on enhancing international cooperation among HEIs in Kosovo and Albania. Through such initiatives, UKZ as project coordinator for the QUADIC project aims to advance the inclusion and quality of regional and international cooperation of project partners within the QUADIC consortium.
The overall goal of the QUADIC project is to improve higher education provision in nine Kosovo and five Albanian consortium members through building institutional capacity for international relations and project management.