Public International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM)
The Public International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM) is a pioneering higher education institution in Kosovo, dedicated to delivering high-quality, accessible education that fosters socio-economic development and cross-community collaboration. Established as a successor to the original IBCM College, which began operations in 2010, IBCM has undergone significant transformation over the years, evolving into Kosovo’s first public college in July 2023. This transition was formally ratified by the Kosovo Parliament, affirming IBCM’s role as a trailblazer in higher education for the region.
IBCM provides high-quality international education at an affordable rate in top-quality, modern campuses in both parts of Mitrovica South and North. Through the provision of excellent education and training, it enables youth and adults in the Mitrovica region with training and job opportunities and in this way supports the economic development in the region and other regions in Kosovo and beyond. More than 80% of the graduates find jobs within 6 months of graduation. As a result a lot of graduates including graduates with minority backgrounds now hold senior positions in the Kosovo administration.
Historical Foundation and Transformation
The idea to establish an international higher education institution in Mitrovica has been in development since 2006 by key local governmental stakeholders in Kosovo. In 2008, the Government of Kosovo formally requested international donors to support what was labeled a priority project at the Brussels donor’s conference following Kosovo’s independence. IBCM was first registered in the Netherlands and Kosovo as an international non-profit foundation, but in March 2018 it was transformed into a local independent not-for-profit educational foundation in Kosovo, under the umbrella of Law for Free Association, No. 03/L-134.
In March 2010, the International Business College in Mitrovica (IBCM) opened its doors to its first cohort of students. The college’s mission was to help improve economic prospects and alleviate ethnic tensions in the region, whilst helping Kosovo prepare for EU Integration. Initially, the establishment of the college was financially supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation from Kosovo, international development agencies, including the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency, the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affairs, the European Commission, and the NGO SPARK Netherland. SPARK founded the IBCM as an international non-profit foundation and supported operations as interim manager till 2018. From 2018 to 2023, IBCM received financial support from the European Union Office in Kosovo, enabling the institution to build a foundation of financial sustainability, grow its student base, and further establish itself as a key educational institution.
The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI), through a decision of date: 18.05.2022, No. 01B-126 decided to establish the working group that will analyze the modalities of sustainability and financial support of IBCM from 2023 onwards. The Working Group (GP) based on the law on higher education and other policy frameworks in place recommended to the government the option for transforming IBCM College into a public institution of higher education with the statute “College”.
Based on the recommendation from the government, in July 2023, IBCM transitioned from a not-for-profit foundation to a public college, with the Kosovo Assembly’s Decision No. 08-V-578 formally establishing it as Kosovo’s first public college. This milestone marks IBCM’s dedication to long-term growth and its mission to provide inclusive, high-quality education for all ethnic groups in Kosovo. With the transformation process from a non-for-profit foundation to a public HEI institution, IBCM ensures the rights to receive public funding as other public HEIS in Kosovo.