IBCM Management Structure

The governing bodies of IBCM are the Steering Council, the Academic Council, and the Rector.


Steering Council

Prof. Dr. Bedri Peci – Chairman

Prof. Dr. Bedri Peci – CV

Prof. Assoc. Kyvete Shatri – Vicechair

Prof. Asst. Kyrvete Shatri – CV

Ms. Blina Bakalli

Blina Bakalli – CV

Prof. Ass.  Agron Hajdari

Prof. Asst. Agron Hajdari – CV

Mr. Louis Boisgibault, PhD

Louis Boisgibault, PhD – CV

Prof. Ass.  Ruzhdi Halili

Prof. Asst. Ruzhdi Halili- CV



Prof. Dr. Mihone Kerolli – Mustafa



  • Vice-rector for teaching, academic and student affairs, and quality; Prof. Asst. Bujar Gallopeni
  • International cooperation, projects, innovation, and scientific research:  Prof. Dr. Ekrem Gjokaj
  • Budgets, finance, infrastructure and administration: Prof. Asoc. Jelena Stanojevic Dimovski

Academic Council

The academic council of the college is the highest academic body of the college.

Composition of the Academic Council:

The academic council consists of the following members with the right to vote:

  • Rector;
  • Vice-rectors;
  • Deans;
  • One member is chosen from the academic staff of each academic unit (so the total number of persons is the same as the number of deans.
  • College Quality Assurance Coordinator.
  • The president of the student representative council.

The general secretary of the college is a permanent member of the academic council, without the right to vote.