Strengthening University Autonomy and Increasing Accountability and Transparency in Western Balkans Universities – STAND Project is hiring International and Local Experts.
About the project:
The concept entails investing in strengthening the mechanisms that ensure the long-term sustainability of university autonomy, transparency, and accountability. The project foresees cooperation between HEIs in the WB region, their respective ministries, and program country partners and contributes to the increasing professional capacities of HEI staff in partnering HEIs.
International and Local Experts who meet the qualifications are invited to submit an updated CV and a cover letter outlining their previous experience and interest in the presented call. The cover letter should include a financial offer for the assignment (lump sum) as well as the expected availability for the assignment period. Documents should be sent by email to, putting in cc specifying within the email’s subject “Evaluation of policies and regulations of Western Balkan Universities “. Request for clarification on TOR should be sent in writing by email to putting in CC
The deadline for submission of the offers is August 31st, 2023, at 16:00 hours Central European Time.
The selection of the experts will be done taking into consideration the professional competence and experiences of the expert, as well as the financial offer.
Download Terms of Reference for International and Local Expert
STAND Project Consortium