Earlier this week the IBC-M marketing department took a further step in strategizing and planning for their upcoming student recruitment drive for the Academic Year 2021/22. The focus of student recruitment has changed dramatically since early 2020, with a considerable decrease in the ability to meet directly with potential students. However, a number of constants have remained, one such is the inclusion of a dedicated group of IBC-M students as part of the team, the Student Marketing Ring.
This is the second consecutive year that this group has been initiated where they work side-by-side with the marketing department to engage with target groups interested in learning more about the education offered by IBC-M. The Student Marketing Ring has a dual focus of enabling a greater reach into the market, throughout Kosovo and the wider region, while also allowing interested high school graduates and those returning to education an opportunity to hear first-hand experiences from the existing student body at IBC-M.
In order to develop a best practice approach among the group, a workshop took place on Tuesday 23rd March which included the Student Marketing Ring, along with members of the Student Representative Council and an additional support group of students that will assist on specific aspects of the recruitment plan – in total, this group consisted of 21 students. The students themselves further benefit from their involvement, offering them the opportunity for personal and professional development – it was a chance to meet up, share ideas and improve our marketing skills. It was an amazing experience, were the remarks of one student. The workshop allowed for small groups of students to develop their own unique approaches to the promotion of the college, utilizing scenario-specific environments and breakout groups that allowed students time to discuss among their peers and lean on the experience of the IBC-M marketing department and more senior members of Student Marketing Ring who are participating in this initiative for a second year. Further students noted that the workshop allowed them to formulate the best way to promote IBC-M while emphasizing the benefits you gain from being part of it.
The IBC-M marketing department, led by Executive Director Harri Tuomola, are enthused by the involvement and dedication of this group of students and their willingness to continue to contribute to the overall development of the International Business College Mitrovica. Additionally, a large amount of appreciation must be shown to all involved in the organization and implementation of this workshop, the marketing department as a whole, and to all the student participants for their contributions throughout.