Marigona Shabiu, who graduated from IBC-M in Spring 2015. She went on to receive a full TLP Scholarship to pursue her Master studies at Indiana University, United States, and later on, returned to Kosovo to continue her professional career. Since 2017, Marigona has been serving as the Executive Director of YIHR, one of the leading NGOs in the region that promotes cooperation between young people from different ethnic groups in the Balkans.
Her professional career started even during her final year of studies at IBC-M, which is an added benefit that all of our students receive as part of our “From Theory to Practice” approach of studies.
Here is Marigona’s message to current and new IBC-M students:
“IBC-M is the best college in Kosovo that can provide you a truly international experience without actually going abroad. If you dreamt of always studying abroad, like me, try IBC-M because you’ll find there a bright and diverse community that will take care of your needs as a student and will offer you all the resources in order for you to have a successful study experience as well as a promising career.”
We wish Marigona the best of luck and success in her current and future endeavours!