IBC-M Students Plant 500 Flowers for Earth Day

More than 30 IBC-M students cleaned and tended to Mitrovica’s city park as part of IBC-M’s Earth Day Celebration. Students at the International Business College Mitrovica cleaned and planted flowers for Earth Day in the city park on April 25th, 2019. Afterwards, students, alumni, and community members watched the documentary “Before the Flood” to learn…

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IBC-M attends college fair in Gjilan

The municipality of Gjilan organised an educational fair where many higher education institutions had the chance to present their offers and study opportunities to Gjilan’s high school students. For us, this was a great chance to get to know the students, and we were amazed by the enormous number of interested youngsters who want to…

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It is with great sorrow that we share the heartbreaking news, that this weekend our former lecturer, colleague, and above all friend, Faye Mooney was killed in an attack in Kaduna, Nigeria. During her two years at the IBC-M, Faye was an amazing help to our institution. She taught several courses working with students from…

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Today IBC-M staff had the pleasure to visit “Eqrem Cabej” gymnasium in Vushtrri

Today IBC-M staff had the pleasure to visit “Eqrem Cabej” gymnasium in Vushtrri. The staff members went from class to class and informed the seniors about IBC-M’s opportunities including the study programme, scholarships, and English language courses. Our professor also advised the students about their future careers and choices. We are thankful for the cooperation…

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The French Embassy pays a visit to IBC-M

International Business College Mitrovica welcomed Mr. Joseph Giustiniani, representative of Ambassade de France au Kosovo – French Embassy in Kosovo, and Prof. Dr. Stephane Badet, coordinator for international relations from Université de Bordeaux, France. IBC-M’s director, Ms. Mihone Kerolli, gave our guests a tour around the Riverside campus and informed them about IBC-M. Prof. Dr….

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Professor Aleksandar visits UCL

During the period from 24th – 29th March, IBC-M staff member, Professor Aleksandar Djikic participated in ERASMUS+ teacher mobility by spending a week at IBC-M’s partner institution, UCL – University College Lillebaelt located in Odense, Denmark. It was a very fruitful visit as a combination of delivering lecturers to Danish and international students, meetings with…

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UN Kosovo Team visits IBC-M

UN Kosovo Team visited International Business College Mitrovica in the Riverside Campus. Ms. Ulrika Richardson-the UN Development Coordinator, and UNDP Resident Representative-an articulate, charismatic and friendly woman, informed IBC-M students about the UN objectives and common development plan. Additionally, she talked about human rights and more specifically about women’s rights. She turned the spotlight in…

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