
Vacancy Announcement

International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M) is looking for dedicated, experienced Albanian and Serbian language teachers to join our team for a language course duration of 2 months. These 2 positions are a part of an initiative supported by the European Union Rule of Law Mission in Kosovo (EULEX) aimed at improving the linguistic capacities of the Kosovo Police through specialized language courses.

Please click the link below to learn more and to submit your application.







Kolegji Ndërkombëtar Publik i Biznesit IBCM në Mitrovicë shpall gjashtë (6) pozita akademike.
Për informacion shtesë ju lutemi klikoni në linkun e mëposhtëm:

Gjashtë (6) pozita akademike(Alb/Srb)

Međunarodni Javni Poslovni Koledž Mitrovica (IBCM) raspisuje konkurs za šest (6) slobodnih mesta u oblasti akademske nastave.
Za dodatne informacije posetite sledeći link:

Šest (6) pozicija u oblasti akademske nastave(Alb/Srb)