Quality Development of International Cooperation and Project Management


Overview of the Project

The overall goal of this project is to improve higher education provision in Kosovo and Albania, by building institutional capacity for international relations whereby establishing or making fully functional respective offices (including a capacity for project cycle management) in all nine Kosovo and five Albanian consortium members.

This project will build institutional capacity for the internationalization of HE in Kosovo and Albania, by improving capacity for project development and management through international expertise made available by European HEIs partnering in this project and exchange of good practice between the consortium members. This will make way for local higher education institutions to engage confidently in various academic and research cooperation initiatives in the region, in Europe and wider.

The aim of the project is to establish and develop fourteen fully functional offices of international cooperation that will also include the function of project cycle management. Currently, none of the new public universities in Kosovo and Albania has the capacity to fully run an International Cooperation Office, at a time when over 50% of students in European Higher Education institutions are studying or participating in one or another form of international studies and when a significant part of university life takes place in the form of various exchanges and mobilities. This makes it of paramount importance to build respective capacity for all members. This will ultimately contribute substantially to the quality of provision and will enrich university life and experiences of the student population in Kosovo and Albania. Therefore, having in mind the possibility of the Erasmus + project to support this idea, we initiated the work as a consortium on developing this idea.

The project will have very high importance in addressing increasing isolation, lack of quality international cooperation, and lack of project initiatives from Kosovo and Albania universities.


Project contacts

Mirjana Krsmanović Vlajić: m.krsmanovic@ibcmitrovica.eu

Harri Tuomola: h.tuomola@ibcmitrovica.eu

Gzim Idrizi: g.idrizi@ibcmitrovica.eu

International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M)

Address: Street Cara Dusana nn, Mitrovica North

Contact phone: + (381) 28 409 015

webpage: www.ibcmitrovica.eu
e-mail: info@ibcmitrovica.eu

For more information please visit the project website Quadic.net

This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.