International Public Business College Mitrovica (IBCM) is part of the VirtuEU initiative under the Erasmus+ programme whose goal is to develop European universal values among young people in Europe and the Western Balkans. One of the project objectives is to equip the youth with the skills and knowledge necessary to become active citizens and improve their chances for employment after graduation from their HEIs.

This initiative is about virtual exchanges that will create active citizen participation across Western Balkans and Europe, through advanced digital platforms, creating opportunities for meaningful interactions among different communities. IBCM will contribute to the project by bringing its extensive expertise and inclusivity to make sure the project is successful.

IBCM staff engaged in project implementation is experienced in Erasmus+ Capacity Building in Higher Education type of projects and equipped with the necessary capacities to achieve the project objectives.

To learn more about the VirtuEU project, visit the official website, follow us on VirtuEU’s Facebook and Instagram pages, and join us in making a positive impact across Western Balkans, Europe and beyond.