The International Business College Mitrovica (IBC-M) participated in the first meeting held on 31.08.2023 – 02.09.2023 as part of the MAGNET – Managerial and Governance Enhancement through Teaching project, on the frame of Erasmus+ Programme – Capacity Building in Higher Education institutions. Prof. Shaip Gashi and Prof. Muharrem Salihaj represented the IBCM. The project aimed to increase accessibility, participation, and retention of the academic institutions to the training in order to improve the quality of teaching. The meeting session was led by the Partner in charge – LOGOS, University College Albania. Initially, it was discussed and launched the strategic plan of the Partners’ contribution to the Frame of Principles of the BALKANETUP. The mission of BALKANETUP (Balkan Network for University Pedagogy) is to promote and support the implementation of modern, innovative, transformative, and student-centered instructional strategies in higher education institutes (HEIs) across the Western Balkans. The meeting continued with a round of presentations from each of the partners and their work packages related to the progress and achievement of the first stages of project implementation. IBCM was fully committed and engaged in the meeting agenda with their representatives. At the same time, Prof. Shaip Gashi did the presentation for IBCM introducing the IBCM activities with a special focus on the progress and masses undertaken to implement this project.