On the October 21st 2021, representatives of Kosovo ERASMUS+ office visited IBC-M and conducted the monitoring visit for IDEA Project (Inclusive tertiary EDucation in the West BAlkanS).
The IDEA project was lunch on January 20th 2021 as a joint project of 16 partners from the Western Balkans and EU. The role of IBC-M in this project is foreseen in the establishment of two accessibility units in both campuses, development of policies and procedures for students with disabilities and students with learning difficulties, but also in a support to other project packages and activities. Beside the kick-off meeting organized in a hybrid model by the project leader Polis University, due to ongoing pandemic caused by COVID-19, other project activities, meetings and workshops were organized in an online model. Study visits to the EU partners and their accessibility units, on the other hand, were postponed to the next year.
During the monitoring visit, in addition to the general project information, updates regarding implemented activities and outcomes, IBC-M team shared information about the ongoing activities and plans for the upcoming period, about documents and policies being produced, cooperation with the project leader and other project partners.
IBC-M wants to thank Kosovo ERASMUS+ office for continuous support provided throughout the years.