Vacancy announcement – Call for recruitment of academic staff

Konkurs për punësimin e stafit akademik Kolegji Publik Nërkombëtar i Biznesit IBCM në Mitrovicë shpall konkurs për punsimin e stafit akademik në tri pozita si në vijim: 1. Profesor Asistent / Ligjërues në matematikë/statistikë 2. Ligjërues në fushën e Drejtësisë / Të Drejtës Ekonomike / Politikave juridike 3. Ligjërues në Shkenca Kompjuterike  Thirrja për aplikim…

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Promotion of Erasmus+ project Problems during info days at IBC-M

On 20/09/2024, IBCM hosted the Second Info Day for students to promote all Erasmus+ CBHE projects, to include as well the “ProBLeMS” project on metacognitive problem-based learning modules. As part of IBCM’s efforts to enhance its academic offerings, invitations for the Info Day were distributed online to potential, current and alumni students interested in the…

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Registration For The Admission of Students, Second Round Academic Year 2024/25

The Public International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM) is accepting a second round of applications for first-year bachelor’s and master’s degree students for the academic year 2024/2025.  Application for a bachelor degree:   1.      The application form (see below, download, print, and complete it); 2.      Birth extract/certificate (original, not older than six months); 3.      Transcripts of all high school…

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(Updated info) REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS – Purchase of hardware and software under the Erasmus+ Homo Digitalis project

We would like to inform you that the Request for Proposals (RFP) on the purchase of hardware and software under the Erasmus+ Homo Digitalis project previously posted on the college’s website has been removed due to unforeseen technical issues. As a result, the current procedure has been canceled. We kindly ask you to stay updated…

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Call for Application: Financial Support for the Publication of Scientific Papers in Journals Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus at IBCM

Public International Business College Mitrovica (IBCM) invites full-time academic staff to apply for financial support for the publication of scientific papers indexed in the Web of Science and Scopus platforms. This initiative aims to enhance the research output and visibility of IBCM’s academic contributions. Click here for more

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Notification Regarding the Final Result for the Position of General Secretary at the Public International Business College IBCM in Mitrovica

To whom it may concern, IBCM is sharing with you the outcomes of the evaluation process following the written examination and interview for the position of General Secretary at the Public International Business College Mitrovica. We kindly invite you to access and review the final results by clicking on the following link: Final Results for…

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Notification Regarding the Final Result After the Written Examination and Interview for the Administrative Positions at the Public International Business College IBCM in Mitrovica

To whom it may concern, the IBCM is sharing with you the outcomes of the evaluation process following the written examination and interview for the administrative positions at the Public International Business College IBCM in Mitrovica. We kindly invite you to access and review the final results by clicking on the following links:   Final…

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