Decision on the final results for the position of Head of the Division for IT, Infrastructure, and Logistics at the Public International Business College IBCM in Mitrovica

To whom it may concern,   IBCM is sharing with you the outcomes of the evaluation process following the written examination and interview for the position of Head of the Division for IT, Infrastructure, and Logistics at IBCM. We kindly invite you to access and review the final results by visiting the following link:  Written…

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Final results after the wtitten examination for the administrative position at the Public International Business College IBCM in Mitrovica

To whom it may concern,   IBCM is sharing with you the outcomes of the evaluation process following the written examination for the administrative position of Head of the Division for IT, Infrastructure, and Logistics at IBCM. We kindly invite you to access and review the final results by visiting the following link:  Written examination…

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Vacancy announcement – Call for recruitment of academic staff

Thirrje për rekrutimin e stafit akademik Kolegji Publik Ndërkombëtar i Biznesit IBCM në Mitrovicë shpall konkurs për punësimin e stafit akademik për pozitën: Asistent Profesor / Pedagog në Matematikë/Statistikë Aplikimi qëndron i hapur nga data 26.12.2024 deri më 06.01.202 në orën 16:00, që është edhe afati i fundit i dorëzimit. Ju lutemi vizitoni lidhjen e…

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Notification Regarding the Final Results After the Demo Lessons and Interview for the Part time Academic Positions at the Public International Business College IBCM in Mitrovica

To whom it may concern, IBCM is sharing with you the outcomes of the evaluation process following the demo lessons and the interview for the positions of part-time Lecturer in the field of Computer Sciences as well as Assistant Professor/ Lecturer in the field of Mathematics and Statistics at the Public International Business College Mitrovica….

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Vacancy announcement – Call for recruitment of administrative staff

(ALB) Kolegjit Publik Ndërkombëtar i Biznesit IBCM në Mitrovicë shpallë  dy (2) pozita administrative. Udhëheqes i Divizionit për Hulumtime Shkencore, Inovacion, bashkepunim Ndërkombëtar dhe Projekte Udhëheqes i Divizionit për IT, Infrastructure dhe Logjistikë Thirrja për aplikim mbetet e hapur nga data 19.11.2024 deri më 18.12.2024 në orën 16:00, e cila konsiderohet si dita e fundit e…

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Vacancy announcement – Call for recruitment of academic staff

Konkurs për punësimin e stafit akademik Kolegji Publik Nërkombëtar i Biznesit IBCM në Mitrovicë shpall konkurs për punsimin e stafit akademik në dy pozita si në vijim: Profesor Asistent / Ligjërues në matematikë/statistikë Profesor Asistent / Ligjërues në Shkenca Kompjuterike  Thirrja për aplikim mbetet e hapur nga data 19.11.2024 deri më 25.11.2024 në orën 16:00,…

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Final results of demo lessons and interview for the academic position of Professor Assistant/ Lecturer in Math/Statistics at IBCM

To whom it may concern,   IBCM is sharing with you the outcomes of the evaluation process following the demo lessons and interview for the academic position of Professor Assistant/ Lecturer in Math/Statistics at IBCM. We kindly invite you to access and review the final results by visiting the following link:  Demo lessons & Interview…

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Final results of demo lessons and interview for the academic position of part-time lecturer in Law/ Economic Law /Legal Policy at IBCM

To whom it may concern,   IBCM is sharing with you the outcomes of the evaluation process following the demo lessons and interview for the academic position of part-time lecturer in Law/ Economic Law /Legal Policy at IBCM. We kindly invite you to access and review the final results by visiting the following link:  Demo lessons &…

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Final results of demo lessons and interview for the academic position of part-time lecturer in Computer Sciences at IBCM

To whom it may concern,   IBCM is sharing with you the outcomes of the evaluation process following the demo lessons and interview for the part-time lecturer position in Computer Sciences at IBCM. We kindly invite you to access and review the final results by visiting the following link:  Demo lessons & Interview results

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IBCM’s Contribution to Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project “ProBLeMS”

IBCM College plays an important in the Erasmus+ Capacity Building Project “ProBLeMS,” which focuses on metacognitive problem-based learning modules in medical sciences. Coordinated Led by Professor Aleksandar Djikic, the project brings together various higher education institutions across the Western Balkans, aiming to improve the quality of education through innovative blended learning methods. Hosted at the…

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