Based on the REGULATION ON THE RULES AND PROCEDURES FOR THE GENERAL ELECTIONS AT THE  PUBLIC INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS COLLEGE MITROVICA (IBCM) (No. 860, Dt /18/09/2024) [link here], applications are now open for the Academic Council (AC) and Steering Council (SC) members. This announcement outlines the criteria, eligibility, and election process for each council.

Elections for the Academic Council (AC)

As per Article 9 of Regulation No. 860, the AC elections will select one academic staff member from each faculty. Eligible candidates include full professors, associate professors, assistant professors, and lecturers. The representative will be elected by an absolute majority (50%+1) of the academic staff from their respective faculty.

Criteria for AC Candidacy:

  • Candidates must hold the title of full professor, associate professor, assistant professor, or lecturer.
  • Members of the Central Election Commission (CEC) must resign if running for AC positions.

Mandate Duration:
The mandate of AC members is four (4) years.

Elections for the Steering Council (SC)

As per Article 12 of Regulation No. 860, the SC consists of seven (7) members with voting rights. The Ministry of Education, Science, Technology and Innovation (MESTI) appoints three (3) members in accordance with the provisions of the Law on Higher Education. The AC of IBCM by an absolute majority of all members elects four (4) members of the SC with the right to vote, minimum of one (1) of the members of the SC appointed by the college comes from the international academic community, while the others come from among the academic staff of the college.

Criteria for SC Candidacy:

  • Open to academic staff with titles of full professor, associate professor, or assistant professor.
  • CEC members must resign to run for SC positions.

Mandate Duration:
The mandate of SC members lasts five (5) years, with the possibility of re-election for one additional term.

Election Timeline:

  • October 7 – 11: Application submission for AC and SC
  • October 17: Verification and certification of candidates
  • October 31: Election Day for AC members (9:00 – 16:00 at Riverside Campus)
  • November 1: Preliminary results announcement for AC members
  • November 4 – 6: Complaint submission period for AC members
  • November 9: Final results for AC members
  • November 21: AC member consolidation

How to Apply:

To apply, download the application form here and submit it via email to by October 11, 2024, 16:00.

For more information please read the full announcement here and any questions please contact us at

ANNOUNCMENT for Academic Council and Steering Council Elections

APPLICATION FORM for General Elections

COMPLAINT FORM for general elections